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Here's where you should be looking for real estate investing advice!

Weekly Real Estate News, Parcl Updates & Educational Content

Reddit is the ultimate home of funny memes and many weird family stories that should probably never be shared anywhere, even on the internet. But, Reddit is also home to many other things, such as investment advice and plenty of analysis on the next crypto that'll 100x.

In Case You Missed It

Did you know the phrase Metaverse stands for "Beyond the Universe" Meta (Beyond) and Verse (Universe). It's also reported that the Metaverse could be valued at $800 billion by 2024 with increased consumer interest; the 2020 valuation was just $47 billion in comparison.

A digital real estate platform that lets you gain exposure to the real estate market with no minimum investment, low transaction fees, and immediate liquidity.

This Week In News

The Treasury said they intended to adjust the UK's legislation to bring stablecoins 'within the payments regulatory perimeter'.

Andrew Kiguel, CEO of Tokens.com, has paid millions for metaverse properties and wants to add more.

Tweet Of The Week