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Is this how investors can time the real estate market?

Weekly Real Estate News, Parcl Updates & Educational Content

Did you know the phrase Metaverse stands for "Beyond the Universe" Meta (Beyond) and Verse (Universe). It's also reported that the Metaverse could be valued at $800 billion by 2024 with increased consumer interest; the 2020 valuation was just $47 billion in comparison.

In Case You Missed It...

A digital real estate platform that lets you gain exposure to the real estate market with no minimum investment, low transaction fees, and immediate liquidity.

The best way to describe it is to think of it as an ecosystem of projects, protocols, worlds, and tools.

This Week In News

We can never ignore the market cycle, but there are other variables at work.

Seven real estate investment platforms today announced launching an international association to standardize digital real estate investments

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